MDS Monday: Digital Recipe Binder

I can’t cook.  Okay, well I can cook, but not without a recipe. I am adding new recipes to my collection every day. I like to try new recipes and love to make my favorites over and over again.  I pull out my recipe binder and look at the measurements (even when I’ve made it a hundred times).

Putting my recipes into a binder was the best idea yet.  I have clear sleeves in the binder and as I find recipes I like, I print them out or rip them out of the magazine and add them to my binder.  I keep it in the kitchen on our little corner desk, along with cookbooks.

I wanted some of my favorites to be easily accessible and to look nicer than the food stained, crumpled recipes currently in my binder. (I still can’t figure out how the recipes get dirty when they are in plastic sleeves, but it happens).

Enough talking, long story short, I used the recipe book in My Digital Studio to make my recipes look appealing, refreshed and delicious   I added pictures, ingredients, directions and printed them out. I added them to the binder.  Perfection. Enjoy looking and feel free to use the recipes, I used my favorites.













I think it turned out fabulous. I am very happy with it and it only took 30 minutes to create.  If you have not yet downloaded My Digital Studio, download the FREE 30 day trial. You will fall in love.

Happy creating.